Update & Delete Videos
Updating and deleting videos happens through the video store component that you can retrieve with
. Just like other network APIs, you will need a valid session
to perform these operation successfully. In addition, the current session identity must match
the identity of the session who originally created the videos.
Updating videos
To update videos, you need to prepare the update params:
var params = VideoUpdateParams(title: "New Title")
params.tags = newTags
params.metadata = newMetadata
params.location = newLocation
Then, the params object must be passed to the video store:
let videos: VideoStore = VideoKit.videos()
videos.update(id: "videoId", params: params) { video, err in
// Updated!
Deleting videos
To delete videos, all you need is the id of the video:
let videos: VideoStore = VideoKit.videos()
videos.delete(id: "videoId").onSuccess { err in
// Deleted!