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Version: iOS SDK v1.3.0


Some VideoKit components (like Recorder or StreamHost) will automatically open a connection with the camera sensor available on the device. We offer control over some core camera features through the Camera protocol and its listeners.

You can typically access the camera object from the parent component, for example:

let camera = // from recorder module
let camera = // from live stream module


You can choose which sensor is active by changing the camera direction value:

camera.direction = .front // switch to front
camera.direction = .back // switch to back
camera.toggleDirection() // switch to the other one

You can observe the direction value by implementing CameraObserver and registering it with camera.addObserver():

func cameraDirectionChanged(direction: CameraDirection) {
// Handle change


You can control the flash behavior by changing the camera flash value:

camera.flash = .on // turn torch on
camera.flash = .off // turn it on
camera.toggleFlash() // switch to the other one

You can observe the flash value by implementing CameraObserver and registering it with camera.addObserver():

func cameraFlashChanged(flash: CameraFlash) {
// Handle change


You can control the sensor zoom by changing the camera zoom value. The minimum value is 1 and it means no zoom.

You can observe the zoom value by implementing CameraObserver and registering it with camera.addObserver():

func cameraZoomChanged(zoom: CGFloat) {
// Handle change